Rapid Response Program (RRP)
The Rapid Response Program (RRP) is a unique component of Med-Net Healthcare Consulting’s Program. Med-Net’s Rapid Response Program offers your organization (Client) a real-time triage to address critical events and constitutes a good faith effort to minimize and mitigate risk to residents, employees, their families, the facility, and the community. Our goal is to support the client, through the facilitation of client’s program, in its effort to address potential critical risk exposures (Critical Events). Rapid Response© Program goals include:
Critical Events
Critical Events are high-risk situations or occurrences that may have resulted in, or are likely to result in, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident, employee, third party, or the community at large; serious damage to facility property or reputation; increased significant potential for litigation; increased significant potential for regulatory noncompliance; increased significant potential for risk exposure; and/or increased potential for adverse media coverage. In essence, a Critical Event is anything you would not want to read about your facility in tomorrow’s news reports.
All Critical Events require timely notice to the Rapid Response© Committee, which determines the need for a Rapid Response© conference call including, but not limited to, the following:
The Rapid Response© Committee will convene to conduct a Rapid Response© conference call when certain CriticalEvents occur. Members will include the following: